What if you could turn your business into that consistent paycheck?


What if you could get off the revenue rollercoaster and turn your business into a consistent paycheck?

Imagine if you could count on your business to reliably cover your family’s expenses?

Would you like to use your income to qualify you for a mortgage?


How would it feel if your revenue was so steady you could pay yourself the same amount every Friday without worry … even set up an automatic payment from your business account into your family’s checkbook … just like a “real” paycheck? 

You can. You just need a profit-driven plan. 

But here is the thing about plans … they only work, IF you actually take action to execute the plan. And what about if plans change? Or your ideas change? Or you get a new idea? Or you just need a little more support?

You have great ideas, but when it comes time to execute them, you freeze up.
Because you just aren’t sure which one to do next.

Which of all of those big ideas is the one that will actually increase your business profit? What order do you go in?

… and so you get a little of a lot of things done, but nothing ever REALLY gets enough attention.

… and so you never really seem to see that profit increase.

That is what is about to change.

The Money Momentum Collaborative is a results-focused, intimate community for dedicated, like-minded entrepreneurs ready to create consistent income in their business. 

The Money Momentum Collaborative is built around a proven revenue-focused planning system and strategy that keeps you focused on your unique revenue roadmap, while taking into account all the other important pieces in your life.

As a successful business owner, you’ve got clients who need your expertise, team members who need your answers, and daily tasks that need your attention. Not to mention everything you do outside of your business to run your life!

You don’t have time to move from shiny thing to shiny thing. You can’t just think “these are all the things I want to do.”

You need to dial in on the right ideas to reach your revenue goals … and make it happen. But when … and how?

Stop chasing money, and start planning for it inside the Money Momentum Collaborative.

Whether you are simply aiming for consistent income or ready to uplevel to consistent 5K, 10K, 20K or more months,
the Money Momentum Collaborative supports you
in reaching your income goals. The Collaborative provides a proven step-by-step system backed up with quarterly strategizing, weekly planning, and plenty of accountability to build momentum so you can reach your money goals.

What’s Inside the Collaborative:

The Planned for Profit System

A 10-video course that takes you all the way from creating your strategic profit path, to setting up a cash flow calendar, to scheduling weekly action steps. You’ll keep your most profitable focus front and center each day and you can re-watch any section over and over again when plans shift or you need an extra boost of motivation.

The Planned for Profit Live Workshop

Set aside time in your schedule to plan with us live, plus get feedback on your strategy and support overcoming obstacles. Multiple dates and times are offered each quarter to help accommodate your schedule.

Momentum Monday Planning Sessions

Each Monday, in the collaborative’s facebook group, you have the chance to plan your week live. You’ll create momentum every week towards your goals.

Financial Friday Kit & Check-Ins

A full kit of spreadsheets and checklists to make tracking easy and even fun. Plus, you’ll be prompted each week to set aside time for your own Financial Friday to make tracking part of your regular business week (oh, and there are prizes!).

Money Momentum BrainTrusts accountability groups

Peer-led accountability groups for even more support and collaboration (optional). You’ll be matched with similar business owners and given a proven structure for making the most out of your session.

The Money Momentum Planner

All good plans deserve a beautiful home and the Money Momentum Planner is just that. The Money Momentum Planner is a quarterly planner that combines the entire step-by-step Planned for Profit system with a strategic weekly calendar and schedule system. 

Earn More Rewards!

We want you to be successful, and we are willing to bribe you to do so! Inside the Collaborative you can earn points for setting goals, completing tasks, hitting milestones and being an active member of the community. Points can get you things like fun swag, planning tools, exclusive group coaching sessions, bonus Q&A time with guest experts and even one-on-one strategy sessions with Megan.


Bonus #1:  A ticket to Momentum Live – VIRTUAL! Attend the second annual Momentum Live Virtual workshop May 15. This is a power-packed day of Momentum building!  Meet other Collab members, learn from guest speakers and leave with momentum to propel your business forward for the rest of the year. Plus you’ll have access to the replays to review and continue learning from all year long. Value $397 

Bonus #2 A curated box of goodies I’ve hand selected my favorite office supplies and self care products into this delux goodie box. The items in this box are all my favorite things!! Value $75

The overall structure of Megan’s framework is key to the Money Momentum Collaborative. I’ve looked at many systems and all have fallen short. Although it is very structured many components still have the flexibility to be customized to best serve my unique needs, and Megan makes a point to keep reminding us of that opportunity. The ongoing accountability that is both stable and optional is also very supportive. Several aspects of Megan’s framework require me to exercise new muscles, and I need the consistent weekly accountability. Yet life still happens, so I can’t always make all of the available support connections live but the replays enable me to circle back when I am able with no guilt. Finally, Megan at the helm was a key piece to my YES to MMC… she has a leadership style and synthesized set of skills that is unique and cutting edge… A “just right blend” of nurturing support, strategic wisdom, and deep belief in her process and her clients to create the Momentum in both their lives and businesses that they desire.

Aime M.

I’m a business growth strategist. I work with female entrepreneurs to scale their businesses to bring in consistent revenue they can count on.

I believe by finding the most profitable focus in your business business, and then creating a strategy to get there, you can build a thriving businesses while remaining present for all the other important things in your life. 

My clients consistently double and triple their revenue, routinely sell out programs and pay themselves on autopilot.

They do this, not just because I help them plan, but because I give them a revenue strategy behind that plan and the accountability to take action on their plan. I’m here to eliminate stress and remove the overwhelm and point you toward great profits.


Let’s Collaborate!