You have ideas. You have GREAT ideas.

But you are not sure how to get them from idea to actualization.

You’ve set goals and you have big dreams for 2015,

But how do you turn those dreams into reality?

You know what you want to create, but just how do you plan it all out so it actually happens without making your head explode.

You’re building your empire and you need a simple system to help you rise to the top, without weighing you down.

Welcome to My Tiny Empire

“Thanks for reminding me that a simple tool like a post-it note can help me organize, streamline, and get my systems rolling!”

My Tiny Empire is a low-tech, high impact system for formulating your next big project, creating your amazing business products and services, and planning out how to get it all done. All with one little office supply power house you probably already have in your drawer.

Running a businesses can be complicated. There’s so many moving parts, but when planning it all seems overwhelming…there’s a simpler way!

My Tiny Empire is made up of 3 complete systems essential to running your business. Each is a simple and straightforward method, but highly effective to make sure you don’t leave out any important steps.

Project Organization

That great idea you have in your head, the world needs it. This method teaches you how to:

  • Brainstorm all the pieces of your project in a visual and creative way that makes sure nothing gets missed.
  • Organize your pieces into like groups, see what fits into your bigger concept and what needs to go – clearly
  • Plot out the project into actionable steps. Eliminating overwhelm and making project completion painless
Product Creation
  • Create your signature course, service or offering in a way that makes sure your clients LOVE what you produce and no piece is overlooked.
  • Get content and action steps in one place so you not only know what needs to go in your product, but what you need to do to produce it.
  • Plus create a container for all the other great ideas that materialize giving you endless content for blog posts, free offers and your NEXT great offer.
Planning & Schedules
  • Every busy entrepreneur has a million things to do, this method allows you to design a schedule that fits your project and your life perfectly without wondering where to start or if you’ll get it done on time.
  • Create realistic timelines for your projects so you know exactly what to be working on at any given minute

And you won’t need complicated software or an expensive planner. In fact, all you need for the My Tiny Empire system is my favorite office supply of all: Post-It Notes! (These are are the secret weapon in my business success and I can’t wait to share my methods with you!)

“Megan’s system of post-it note planning has been my secret to fighting overwhelm in my business. It’s such a simple way to break down the large parts of any aspect of my business into manageable pieces. I use her system when I create new course content, need to plan my blog schedule, need to organize the tasks on my calendar, and so much more. Using the My Tiny Empire method helps me get more done in the time that I have and has really changed the way I organize my business.”
– Julie Bowman – The Organized Details


Each of the My Tiny Empire Methods includes:

  • A Video Workshop -walking you through each of the methods;
  • A PDF guide to accompany each video.

Your big idea should be making you money and changing people’s lives. My Tiny Empire will make sure you get those ideas out of your head and into the world where they belong.

If you are ready to kick your 2015 goals off with a bang and actually get them done. You need My Tiny Empire.

You get all 3 systems (Project Organization, Product Creation and Planning & Scheduling) for $47.